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HomeCalendarNATA at AirVenture - 2024

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NATA at AirVenture - 2024

About this event

(Warbird pre-registration information for AirVenture is available below.)

Going to Oshkosh this year? Here's what NATA has going on!

Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the T-28!  And the annual NATA Membership Meeting on Thursday. 

All Week:

Happy Hour: Camaraderie and refreshments every day after the airshow at NATA HQ Motorhome (maps below)

Warbirds in Review: Daily 100 and 1300 - Hosted by EAA WOA.

Airshow Briefings: Mon-Sun at 1200 - Warbird Briefing Building

T-28 Morning Calisthenics: 0730 - Warbird Briefing Building Porch


Fighters arrival
Warbird Picnic at Nature Center


1500: Afternoon Warbirds Air show - Formation Groups Arrival (T-6's from DBQ and T-28's from SBM)


0900: L-Birds Forum w/Kurt Landis - Warbirds Briefing Building
1030: First Time Flying at OSH - Warbirds Briefing Building
1500: Warbirds Air Show - Formation Groups
1800: Friends of T-28's - Cocktails and Dinner at TJ's Harbor Restaurant


1000-1200: NATA Board meeting at Quonset Hut
1300: Warbirds in Review - T-28 & T-34 Anniversary
1500: Warbirds Air Show - L&O's only
1715: Toast for Friends Gone West at Eagle Plaza + Missing Man formation
1800: Warbirds of American membership meeting: Warbirds Briefing Building


0700: FAST Board meeting - Warbird Briefing Building w/Jim Tobul
0800: FAST Check Pilot meeting - Warbird Briefing Building w/Jim Tobul
0900: O-2 Forum - Quonset Hut w/John Russman
1030: T-28 Forum: Quonset Hut w/Shawn Patrick
1300: T-34 Forum - Hilton Garden Inn
1500: Warbirds Air Show - Jets

1300-1500: Annual Membership Meeting & Lunch - Warbirds Briefing Building

Membership MeetingAgenda will include updates of new Regional Events and Clinics, Scholarships, Election results for NATA directors, awards, and other important announcements.

Drawing for a host of door prizes including a Foreflight Subscription, Garmin Aera 660 GPS, and a ride in the P-51 Gunfighter (must be present to win)

Complimentary catered buffet picnic lunch (brats, burgers, BBQ) for NATA members (a nominal fee will be collected at the door for non-members - cash only, please). Sponsored by Airmotive Specialties.

Please RSVP using button at right (or below on mobile devices) so that we order enough food. (You must be logged in for the button to appear.)


0900: Red Star Forum - Warbird Briefing Building w/Dan Booker
1030: First Time Flying at OSH - Warbirds Briefing Building
1300: Salute to Veterans Day Parade
1500: One hour warbirds Airshow

1500: One hour warbirds Airshow

Preparing for AirVenture
Maps to NATA HQ at Oshkosh


Sunday, July 21, 2024, to Sunday, July 28, 2024


Oshkosh Airport (OSH)
Oshkosh, WI  

Additional Info

Event Contact(s)

James M Stitt
Event Coordinator



Registration Info

Registration is recommended
Members are encouraged to attend AirVenture and our annual membership meeting on Thursday (bring a guest).
Activities/Items (Click the down-arrow to view details)
Annual Meeting lunch