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HomeCanada - From USA

Flying Your Warbird to/from Canada


Special authorization is required to fly US-registered experimental aircraft in Canada (all T-28s and some Harvard-IVs). Submit a request to Transport Canada at least 2 weeks in advance of your planned arrival:
  • Review the Ontario checklist and sample letter below at Document Links.
  • Download the sample letter, insert your information where applicable, sign, scan and e-mail along with required documents. Use "Validation of foreign flight authority (N-number)" as the e-mail subject line. If you are visiting a province other than Ontario, find the e-mail address for the Transport Canada office in that province.
  • If your aircraft is owned through a separate entity, include the sentence authorizing you to make the application.
  • Before preparing and sending the letter, pay the fee of CAD$100 online:
    • Select A flight authority or flight permit for an aircraft
    • Scroll down and click Get Started button
    • Select a foreign aircraft, other than a foreign amateur-built aircraft, operating in Canada - $100.00
    • Indicate whether you are paying for yourself (or entity owning your aircraft)
    • Click Next button
    • Supply your payment information and make your payment online
    • Alternatively call 416-952-0400 (Ontario region) between 0830 and 1600 ET and make a payment using fee code "9K09" (Experimental other than amateur-built).
  • You will receive a receipt via e-mail within 30 minutes. Include the receipt # in your letter, and attach the receipt.


  • Nav Canada fees. Ask the event organizer to submit fee exemption applications (using aircraft N-numbers).
  • US Homeland Security. Set up an eAPIS account with US Customs and Border Protection.
  • US Customs. Apply for a US Customs decal and affix to your aircraft per instructions on the decal. If you don't have your decal with you (e.g., if it has not arrived in the mail), then be sure to have the decal order number. Only needed when returning to US.
  • Equipment. Transponder with Mode-C and ELT (either 121.5 or 406 MHz). Beginning August 10, 2023, aircraft operating in Canada above 18,000' MSL (class A), and beginning May 16, 2024, aircraft operating in Canada above 12,500' MSL (class A and B) will have to be capable of transmitting 1090 ES signals to satellites (top antenna, "diversity").
  • Pilot Medical Certificate. BasicMed not accepted in Canada.
  • Radio Licenses. While technically required by the US for international flights, enforcement has not been reported. If desired, obtain an FCC aircraft Radio License and a Restricted Operator Permit. First, obtain an FCC Registration Number (FRN) for the application.
  • Insurance. Confirm aircraft aviation insurance coverage includes both countries.
  • Navigation. Canadian paper charts available from Sportys, or subscribe to Canadian coverage for your electronic navigation system.
  • DocumentsAOPA provides a comprehensive list of required documents for visiting Canada.
  • Cell Phone. Confirm international voice and data in both countries (or pay high roaming rates).
  • Passport. Confirm passport is current, will not expire within 6 months of the event, and bring it with you.
  • Old Instruments. Warbirds with traces of radioactivity (instrument dials) can experience significant delays, and possible aircraft impoundment when entering the USA. Consider removing such instruments before traveling.


  • Comply with any Canadian COVID-19 Travel Requirements.
  • Select destination/intermediate airport with Canadian Customs services
  • At least 2 hours prior to arrival call Canada Customs at 1-888-CAN-PASS to schedule an arrival inspection.
  • At least 1 hour prior to border crossing, transmit a departure manifest to US CBP using the eAPIS system.
  • File either an IFR or VFR flight plan for border crossing flight segment.
  • After landing, call 1-888-CAN-PASS from your aircraft (before deplaning) to clear customs. You may be issued a clearance number by phone, or you may be told to wait for an inspector to meet you at the aircraft. Carry your passport(s); do not store in luggage compartment.


  • Comply with any USA COVID-19 Travel Requirements.
  • Select destination/intermediate airport with US Customs services
  • At least 1 hour prior to border crossing, transmit an arrival manifest to US CBP using the eAPIS system.
  • File either an IFR or VFR flight plan for border crossing flight segment.
  • Call destination customs office to confirm arrival time and receive Permission to Land.
  • After landing, remain at aircraft until cleared by customs. Carry your passport(s); do not store in luggage compartment.